This is the other project I am doing at Stamp Club on Thursday... this one will have Fake, or "Faux" since this post is French-themed, Watercoloring and Paper Piecing. These techniques are pretty self explanatory: we will kinda-sorta watercolor and also piece portions of different papers together to get a funky look, which I LOVE! I haven't come up with a catchy (or kitschy, with me it is pretty much interchangeable!) name for this card, but I have come to love the chef as Chef Charles... channel Inspector Clousseau (or Celine Dion) and pronounce it Sheff Shaaaaarl. Yep. He's my pal. There are so many ways to play around with him! He's a jovial little fella, for sure! The first course is Chef en Saffron, and the second is Chef en Plum. Isn't he just tres magnifique?! And yes, he is very comfortable with his feminine side! :)

LOVE them! Did you know Pink Panther 2 is in the making?
Love the "Chef le Plum". Great paper peicing of him.
I left you an award.I don't know why...I still haven't gotten that Pick a Perfect Plum Petal, Certainly! card but I guess I'm loyal.
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